Monday 22 April 2013

Through Gerwyn's Eyes #3 - Ahboys to NS men .

Through Gerwyn's Eyes #3
Ahboys to NS men .
Post dedicated to Singaporeans .
This post may be slightly lengthy ; do bear with me !
I've came across a confession from SAF ( Singapore Armed Forces ) ; and I've copy + paste here for easier access . Credits to the original owner .
"To all recruits currently serving the army, and has a girl waiting for them, please take some time to read this, and share it with other of your army friends too.

I would like to share a personal story.

Way back when I first entered BMT, I was together with this very sweet girl. It was the happiest period of my life.

Tragically, she past away 3 months ago due to cancer. And I regret not tre...
asuring a girl like her. I regret putting her through so much pain while I was in the army.

She would always tell me she'd wait for me. Being skeptical, due to past relationships, I told her not to. She still did.

Till this day, I don't know what she sees in me, but before my BMT and even during, she kept reminding me how she thanks God for me, and how she'll always be waiting, and that she'll be praying for my safely everyday. She even wrote me 20-30 letters for me to read daily while I was in the initial periods of BMT. (initally i found it a little troublesome)

I didnt think it meant that much to her anyways, so very often, i thanked her in ""brushing off"" manners.

Recalling, while I was in the army during the weekdays, she took the effort to look after my parents(because i was the only child) she took my dog for walks. She cooked and bought me things she thought i would like. She did all this silently.

I ask myself now ""how amazing is this girl, to even care for my family when I am away, how hard is it to find a girl like this) Guys, I'm saying, it really is very hard.

Each time I booked out, she would shower me with love, tell me how much she misses me. She would tell me ""Sit down and relax, its my turn to fu shi (serve) you"" She would often give me encouraging touches on the back, and she hold my hand so tenderly. And the sincerity she carries really touches my heart.

She would never hurt me. But I did.

Don't make the mistake I did of neglecting her, thinking that I needed more time alone since army stolen all my time. I made her sad, and said/done many things to hurt her during this period. Even before I entered the army, I wanted to break up with her because I felt like I didn't have enough time alone. All she did was agreed, and continued to shower me with love. Thinking about it, she's given me so much space, and all i did was waste it. I spent time with my other friends, I made her my ""last choice"", my ""plan B"" if someone couldn't make it.

She never blamed me, she suffered silently, tho she was going through very difficult times with her family and her health. I didnt take time to comfort her, to spend time with her. Despite the fact that she's sacrificed SO much for me, silently! I just wanted my alone time.

She never told me she had cancer, because she knew I would worry about her. I saw her lose weight, I saw her pale face, I saw her sunken eyes. I could sense something was wrong, but even after constant probing, she didnt tell me. Yet I continued to hurt her, I only thought about myself, about my future

I have been so unfair and selfish.

I'm lucky, very lucky to have a girl like her. And to those who have someone like her waiting for you, hold on to this girl. You probably have no idea, but it must be so difficult for them, and I often feel it's unfair to them. But like how my girl always says ""it's my choice, not yours""

So whatever you do, treasure her, spend that little time you have with her (and your family too) because when she says she misses you, im sure she really does.

So, be fair to the girl that's patiently waiting for you, without any complains, just immense love and care. You never know, you might lose her one day.

Till this very day, I regret my actions. Shes sacrificed so much for me, but all I did was hurt her, even when all she needed

I miss her holding on to my face so very carefully and softly, telling me how special I am.

I'm not. And I can never make it up to you now.

I'm sorry I never once told you
""I love you"" "

My boyfriend has already been through NS for some time already . And those times were really difficult . For a guy , he feel upset because they may be stuck in Tekong and can't accompany their girlfriends / their girl gets stolen away . For a girl , she feels lonely as she don't really know what her boy is doing in Tekong , and maybe worried that things may happen to him .
These are really common , but I've seen many people fight because of this . If you've seen Ahboystomen , there is a scene where Noah Yap's girlfriend left him , and his friend ( Wei Liang I think ? ) told him that " When you're in NS , people who served NS will steal your girlfriend . When you've served NS , you'll steal someone else's girlfriend . "
This is somehow the way life works . But , if you hold on and trust each other , you will get through it !