Friday 19 April 2013

Food for Thought #3 - Daily Routines

Food for Thought #3
Daily Routines
Have you done something yesterday that you promised you won't do tomorrow ; and yet do the same thing the next day ?

As a student , there are probably the following reasons !
1) Rushing homework
Homework overload ? Or overdue homework ? :O Rushing homework tonight , then go to school like a zombie the next morning .
2) Party animal
I wonder if anyone is like me ; it's my O's this year , but I can't help myself from going out . I would reach home at approximately 11pm , then go to school without a soul the next day .
3) The drama addict
Watching too much dramas ? Korean , Taiwan , Japan , Pewdiepie ? One more episode , just one last one ..
4) The mobile guy / girl
24/7 with your phone ? Shopping online , chatting with friends . I'm guilty !