Friday 30 August 2013

Through Gerwyn's Eyes #22 - TOTM

Through Gerwyn's Eyes #22
Time of the Month ( TOTM )
I'm sure I'm not the only one that curls up in bed wear the most comfortable pullover and sweatpants , just wishing I was never a girl ?
Thus , I'm sharing some tips on how to ease the pain ~
1) Lying in different positions
When the pain is unbearable , try lying down in different positions . Find one that you feel the least pain ; for me , I lie down in the position like the cartoon above ><
2) Invest in a heating pad
You can invest in a heating pad ( about $7 ~ $10 in Guardian ) , or get a warm NON-LEAK bottle to put over your abdomen area . The warmth will help ease the pain slightly !
3) Do some mild exercises
Yes , you'll probably be stuck in bed ; but try to get some mild exercises to keep the blood flowing .
4) Stay away from alcohol & coffee
The caffeine will NOT help .
5) Wear comfortable clothes
Stay away from bralets & tight-fitting clothes for a while ; suit up in your pullovers & sweatpants ~
6) Homemade Remedy
Things you'll need :
- 1 Pot
- 1 Stove
- 1 piece of Ginger
- 1 tablespoon of Brown Sugar
- Tap Water ( will be boiled later )
- 1 Knife
- 1 Ziploc Bag ( optional )
What to do :
1. Get rid of most of the "skin" of the ginger , be careful when handling with the knife !
2. Put the ginger in the ziploc bag & smash the ginger with the knife , be careful of your hands !
3. Take the ginger out and cut into managable pieces .
4. Pour the ginger , water & brown sugar into the pot .
5. Stir slightly while bringing it to a boil .
6. Drink while hot .

7) Warn other first !
I always send a message beforehand to people that I usually text , so that they know not to disturb me :P

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